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The Bottomless Email Strategy

Here is just some of what you'll learn:

  • The 3 methods to create more of your own stories than you’ll ever be able to use - even if you think nothing interesting ever happens to you.

  • The 8 types of value you can pick and choose from to make sure your subscribers love every email you send them. (And I mean they

    reply and tell you they love your emails!)

  • 4 unique email structures you can use to keep things fresh, weave stories into sales offers without having to think or be creative at all.

  • The fastest shortcut to writing better emails and finding your own voice so your subscribers can hear you in their heads.

  • How to use the fact you’re not a sales copywriter as your unfair advantage.

  • A method I use to get unstuck and totally fired up when I have a total blank and have no ideas on what to write.

  • BONUS #1: Your Email Story Vault Template (Value $57.00)

  • BONUS #2: Study On-The-Move (With the.mp3s) (Value $197.00)

  • BONUS #3: Subject Lines That Drive Sales (Value $97.00)